Coins As Portraits
Brasov, Romania
We started as a six-pack in mid-late '06, and mid '07 brought us a
departure with one of our guitarists. It’s not a full time band since
all of us are students and we also work. Things got more serious in the
late first year. Musically speaking, we don't act like pros but we sure
like to wrestle them. We’re different people, there's a lot of arguing,
we have more or less different playlists, and are active in more or
less different lifestyle patterns. Some songs are done, and lots of new
ideas await to be polished, unfortunately we don’t have all the time in
the world. Most probably a self released monster debut album will be
out this winter/next summer or so...
Heads up, see you around!
Profil de MySpace:
Seeds Of Liberation
Brasov, Romania
We stand witness to the destruction of nature. Life is killed everywhere - for
profit. We see our sisters and brothers oppressed because of skin colour, sex or
sexuality. We are expected to slave 8 hours a day to survive. We are asked to
bow down before the state and the church. We just want to be free. Our music
comes from our hopes and frustrations. We started playing in 2007. We are
influenced by hardcore kids playing music. From emo to grindcore. We're not
aiming for a style. Our music should express the freedom we want.
meat is still murder. ecocide and genocide
Profil de MySpace:
FusionCore este o trupa tanara, din aria jazz-rock. Pentru ca suntem 4 membri, iar preferintele noastre in materie de muzica sunt variate, nici ceea ce cantam nu poate fi definit prea usor. Asa ca sansele de a ajunge la urechile si la sufletul unui public eterogen sunt (mai) mari. De la rock clasic, progresiv, alternativ sau metal, pana la jazz, blues si muzica clasica, toate isi pun amprenta asupra muzicii noastre.
Profil de MySpace: